One of the main goals of giving the individual control is to make sure that no particular interest group can use their own power of control to force one or several individuals to follow their priorities. This may for example be to own all the users identities so that the users has to follow their rules or loose access, or owning ways to influence the opinions of large groups of individuals without the targets knowledge.
Some resources should be accessible for everybody, the ownership of these resources should reflect the interests of all users and not be biased towards some special interest. These resources may be standardised ways to authenticate, authorise and communicate or information that represents the common knowledge of all users.
However, the interests of a group will also slide over time and there is some concepts that should be written in the ownership structure’s statutes. It may be necessary to appoint a trusted group or organisation with the responsibility to oversee that these statues are followed, but it is important to organise it in a way that doesn't significantly disturb the balance of power.
As all groups and individuals are inherently biased the best way to maintain balance is by using an association of all users and to minimise the power granted to helper groups. That said, this will lead to value growth that is shared by everybody and - doesn't rule out to opportunity for sub-groups or individuals to generate value built on the shared foundation.